Португалия экзістэнцыяльнымі
Portugal existencial
кожнае слова ...em cada palavra nasce um mundo
кожная фраза ...em cada phrase nasce da pele um momento
тэкст ... texto de textos que nos ignoram, nos insultam, nos repudiam
жадання eu tinha os desejos de um mundo шмат tinha muitos
Заўсёды ёсць mas existem sempre barreiras fabricadas por nós ou pelos outros
From rore k...the last is very dark
هي التي شيدت بشكل جيد بلوق ، بسيطة وقابلة للتكيف
barreiras de medo
de negro humor
dos medos dos outros
لا تزال مثيرة للاهتمام
Thursday, June 3, 2010
50 ! wHo'z cOnTeNt
Well I thought ll try doing some informative humour instead of my usual blabber...
Politician - I have 3000 crore in my benami and fraudulent a/c's.
--> What do I want: More money, Another MP seat to screw yu , but remember its by the people, to the people for the people.
-->Blame: Opposition party, aam janata, The rich and mortal farmers.
IT felon - I earn 5 lakh per anum and wear Adidas shoes, multiplex, Weekend parties, Free abroad trips, Monkey,Bunji and company jumping/year.
-->What do I want : More, More, More .. Money, Car, Babe, money..money..money
-->Blame : Damn the company, manager and everyone for not givin me hike, claims, onsite!
Cricketer - I own a Hummer, Whole country on my ass, babes, $$$$$, and best of all I don’t get to pay tax.
-->What do I want: Hundred or Duck, I want my butt in the team and no criticism from media nor you public morons.
-->Blame: ooo IPL money hurts, my back, my groin, my injuries, Media, My Bat, ball, Australian team, catching!
I - "Look at him, wanna be like him"
He: " I wanna be like them"
They : " I want, I want, I want..."
HaRy Blogger - I have 49 posts with sarcasm and so called humour.
-->What does he want: Wanna be like J K Rowling, Chetan , without any creativity.
-->Blame : Busy work, taking too much stress, Blah Blah..., Recession ( don’t know why!)
Boy in Pic - Newspaper morning, washing cars, bring tea, posters, night street side shops.
-->What does he want : I want to study, I want to play, I want to laugh, I want a shirt.
-->Blame: who?..Brahma? The creator?
o humor dos outros são as nossas lagrimas
as nossas palavras dividem-nos
as nossas fés estrangulam-nos
e para provar a existência de deus
ОтветитьУдалитьcar start (which is why the copies didn't work) each of those would cost 70-90 dollars a pop. We had to buy new locks for the house, since someone has my house keys as well. We needed to replace the whole ignition in my car since someone had the key and could take it at anytime. All of this would be about 1500 dollars. Which is the exact amount I have in my bank account from graduation money given to me. This was a sucky situation. BUT GOD stepped in. Turns out that the keys didn't have a special chip in them, just the other ones weren't cut properly. They sold about 14 dollars a piece, but the lady said since I was buying 4 copies, she was going to give me 50% off. We didn't replace the ignition, instead we got a club for my car, so if someone did try to take it, they couldn't go anywhere with it. So this all cost me about 100 dollars, instead of 1500 dollars. God is good. NO, GOD IS GREAT. I can honestly say that I put all my trust in God in this incident, I KNEW for a fact that he was going to take care of me, and this wouln't be happening unless he deemed it to happen. So I knew he was with me, I knew he was looking out for me. God never disappoints. God never lets you down. God never leaves you astray
and god makes goodiiie goody deals to...
logo deus existe
I'm sorry, it is Boechera stricta. It's mostly a population study-deciding on best flowering times, herbivory, etc.
ОтветитьУдалитьI have no idea what the insect is. I do not know my insects very well. My roommate said she thinks it is a longhorn beetle-but could not really tell from the bad picture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longhorn_beetle
ОтветитьУдалитьTietokone ja puhelin aiheuttavat sen, että ei enään tarvitse nähdä vaivaa minkään asian takia. Kunhan näpyttelet vähän näppäimistöä niin kaikki työt ja velvollisuudet on hoidettu. Toisin sanoen kaikki hoituu yhdeltä istumalta. Ihmissuhteet, työ, ostokset, viihde, IHAN KAIKKI onnistuu tietokoneella! Tämä aiheuttaa ihmiskunnan rappeutumisen. Jota kuvastan raajojen osittaisella puuttumisella ja "ihon"(folion) repeytymisellä ja repsottamisella.
ОтветитьУдалитьIhmisistä tulee laiskoja ja aikaan saamattomia. Elämän keskipiste on tekonologia, joka ei pidemmän päälle ole terveellistä.
Koko maailma on tavoitettavissa yhdeltä istumalta, jota kuvaan maapallolla, joka on naispuolisen henkilön kädessä.
um jovem do sexo feminino no futuro, onde a tecnologia é muito grande na vida.
Computador e que o telefone que não precisa de mais problemas enquanto o teclado um pouco para todo o trabalho e as obrigações foram cumpridas. Em outras palavras, por tudo em uma única sessão . Relacionamentos, trabalho , compras, entretenimento , tudo o que é o computador com sucesso! Isso leva à deterioração da raça humana. Que reflete a ausência parcial do membro e da pele "( folha ), e arrancamento .
As pessoas tornam-se preguiçoso e relaxado tempo . Vida centrada tekonologia , que não é saudável a longo prazo .
O mundo todo está ao alcance uma audiência , que a imagem do planeta , mão numa pessoa do sexo feminino.
an bhfuil áit agaibh.
ОтветитьУдалитьmuna dhéanann sibh cinne...!?
Céard faoi áit ar nós an mutton lane, nó b'fhéidir ait nios ciúin.... Relacionamentos, trabalho , compras, entretenimento , tudo o que é o computador com sucesso! Isso leva à deterioração da raça humana. Que reflete a ausência parcial
Táimid ag rá an Máirt seo chughainn ar aon nós.
Boechera stricta.
ОтветитьУдалитьnice It's mostly a population study-deciding on best flowering times, herbivory
não entendi nada do seu blog
ОтветитьУдалитьmas obrigada pelo comentário
Priscilla Valdragon