воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

IS THE ISLAMIC STATE ISLAMIC? OR mere practice, divested of all religious belief, is JUST IS OR ISIS? OR OSIRIS? OR DAESH BY SIMPLEX OR ISLAMIC IS WHO ISLAMIC DOES? BY THE GRACE OF OUR TRUMP IN THE II CENTURY FOX OF OUR FORD ...BELIEVE IN EVIL IN EVIL ANVIL OF ISIS OR OSIRIS IS IS also not IS religion. Two men OR TWO TERRORISTS may behave in exactly the same way, and yet one of them may be religious and the other not. If the one acts from the love or fear of God, he is religious; if the other acts from the love or fear of man, he is moral or immoral according as his behaviour comports or conflicts with the general good. Hence belief and practice or, in theological language, faith and works are equally essential to religion, which cannot exist without both of them. But it is not necessary that religious practice should always take the form of a ritual; that is, it need not consist in the offering of sacrifice, the recitation of prayers, and other outward ceremonies. Its aim is to please the deity, and if the deity is one who delights in charity and mercy and purity more than in oblations of blood, the chanting of hymns, and the fumes of incense, his worshippers will best please him, not by prostrating themselves before him, by intoning his praises, and by filling his temples with costly gifts, but by being pure and merciful and charitable towards men, for in so doing they will imitate, so far as human infirmity allows, the perfections of the divine nature. It was this ethical side of religion which the Hebrew prophets, inspired with a noble ideal of God's goodness and holiness, were never weary of inculcating. Thus Micah says: "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" And at a later time much of the force by which Christianity conquered the world was drawn from the same high conception of God's moral nature and the duty laid on men of conforming themselves to it.

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